An all in one solution to whale protection from vessel strike and noise impacts

Based on over 10 years of research at the Zitterbart Lab at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the technology is now commercially available to support large scale whale protection

Automated whale detection and identification using combined thermal and visual camera systems

Support your sustainable ocean business

Specifically designed thermal imaging camera systems for your whale detection needs.


Over 10 years experience in fully automated vessel and shore-based whale detection

Absolute confidence

Our real-time verification ensures zero false alerts for your captains and stakeholders

Science based

Technology developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and licensed by System and method performance published in scientific literature (see below)


Reliable detection ranges in 1-7km distance (depending on platform installation and needs) ensure ample of reaction time for your operation crew


Tell us your needs for an end-to-end solution for whale protection.

Architectural Solutions

Our whale detection platforms can be used on vessels from sailboats to supertankers

Scientific literature:

Richter S, Yurk H, Winterl A, Chmelnitsky E, Serra N, O’Hara P, Zitterbart DP, “Coastal Marine Mammal conservation using thermal imaging-based detection systems”, preprint,

Baille LMR and Zitterbart DP. “Effectiveness of surface-based North Atlantic right whale detection methods for vessel strike mitigation”, ESR 49:57-69 (2022),

Zitterbart DP, Smith H, Flau M, Richter S, Burkhardt E, Beland J, Bennett L, Cammareri A, Davis A, Holst M, Lanfredi C, Michel H, Noad M, Owen K, and Boebel O. Scaling the laws of thermal imaging marine mammal detection. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, (JTech),

Smith HR, Zitterbart DP, Flau M, Norris TF, Ferguson EL, Jones C, Boebel O, Moulton VD. A field comparison of marine mammal detections via visual, acoustic, and infrared (IR) imaging methods offshore Atlantic Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 154, May 2020, 111026;

Zitterbart DP, Kindermann L, Burkhardt E, Boebel O. Round-the-Clock Protection of Whales from Underwater Noise by Thermal Imaging. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71217. (2013)